Manual Adjustments Review

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Medicaid requires all agencies to utilize Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) software as the system for receiving information related to the services provided. Medicaid requires EVV because it is a strong mechanism for ensuring financial accountability of the program, including reduction in unauthorized services, improvement in quality of services to individuals, and reduction in fraud, waste and abuse. EVV systems can increase accuracy and quality of Personal Care Services (PCS) and can increase efficiency through quick electronic billing incorporated into the system immediately after entry. State guidelines dictate that paper progress notes/time cards or manual adjustments (i.e. adjusting your start/end time or clocking you in) are only to be used on rare occasions and should make up less than 15% of your overall documentation. Please review the following policies relating to paper time cards and manual adjustments.

    • I understand that I must call or email the office to have my time manually adjusted while I am still clocked in if the start time is not reflecting the actual time I started to provide services.
    • I acknowledge that I must get permission from an office staff member to use a paper time card within 24 hours of a missed clock-out.
    • I will ensure that if a time card is required for an incomplete shift, that I neatly and accurately document everything that was completed in the task list the same as I would have done in the app.
    • I understand that not all of the tasks listed on the paper progress note are in my client’s care plan. I will not mark tasks as completed if they are not in my client’s care plan.
    • If I do not mark a task as completed that is a part of the client's care plan, I am required to add a note explaining why it was not completed in the “Narrative Documentation” section in addition to my general comment.
    • I acknowledge that it is a state requirement to leave a general comment for every shift that I work. I will leave a 1-2 sentence comment with more detail about what was completed, how the client is doing, and if there has been any changes to their condition. This comment must be unique to the shift and can’t be repeated/the same sentence(s) every day.
    • I will have my client review my completed progress note and ensure that they leave their signature and initials where it is indicated for the client to do so. I will leave my own signature and initials where it is indicated for the caregiver to do so.
    • I understand that paper time cards must be turned in by Monday morning of pay week no later than 10am. Any late time cards will not be processed until the following pay period.
    • I acknowledge that overuse of progress notes/paper time cards for documentation can result in a write-up or termination of my employment if it is a recurring issue.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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